‌How Online Rummy Gaming Can Improve your Personality?

‌Online rummy or for that matter any other card game was once considered as merely a source of entertainment, but thankfully now the perception has changed in a positive manner. Here are the famous personality traits of an online rummy player:

Improved Confidence
In rummy you tend to play with people who are much more competitive and skilled than you. Winning a game against higher level players automatically boosts the confidence in a person, and is a good way to uplift one’s mood. Moreover, the competitive spirit of the game and the rewards given out to top players is more than enough to make a player proud of his accomplishments. It is said that when you are confident about even one thing, your brain automatically releases hormones that help keep a positive vibe around you. Confidence developed through a game of online rummy can greatly influence your decisions in real life too.

Calculative and Assertive
Rummy is a game played with strategy and skill. Mathematics plays a major role in the game, and a player who is familiar with this fact can easily manipulate the game in his favour. In your daily life too, you should be able to closely analyse the pros and cons of each decisions and have a calculative approach towards each situation.

Cognitive Efficiency
A player knows the importance of good hand-eye coordination, appropriate skills, spontaneous decision-making capabilities and the power of observation to win a game of online rummy. Exhibiting all these capabilities in a single game dramatically improves your cognitive abilities and makes your brain sharper. After spending quality time on the rummy table, you’ll develop the habit of critically analysing each situation, thinking clearly, the ability to memorize things easily and to observe your surroundings closely. This helps you a lot in your personal growth, allowing you to excel amongst your peers too.

Observing your opponents, planning your moves, keeping an eye on the discard pile, and making appropriate melds, all within a set time period is what rummy players excel in. In your day-to-day life too, there are situations when you have to handle multiple tasks at the same time. Playing rummy can definitely strengthen this particular trait of your personality.

Patience and hard work are the two virtues of a successful person, and rummy is no different. A professional rummy player is used to play the game under extreme pressure, even when the opponent is more skilled than them. While playing rummy, especially the cash games it is important to keep your nerves in check. As Benjamin Frankly appropriately said, “He That Can Have Patience Can Have What He Will”, in rummy too patience helps you think your moves through and deeply analyse each move on the table. This trait is not only helpful in online rummy but is a great asset in real life too.

While playing online rummy, while you have already devised a strategy after sorting your cards, yet sometimes you must change your tactics based on your opponents moves. A player who is able to change their tactics based on their opponents' game efficiently is the one who has a much higher chance of winning games. Sometimes, you might be dealt a poor hand, but even then, you have to continue playing and modify your strategy accordingly. In general life too, a person who can easily mould their strategies according to current situation is poised to be a good leader as he/she has the power to embrace challenges and find unexpected solutions to problems at workplace. They are always respected and appraised by their friends and colleagues, and usually are the ones who can easily evade stress.

Improved Observation skills
Closely observing your opponent is one of the basic tips suggested when you start playing rummy. If you are a regular player, then naturally your observation skills are heightened. With heightened observation skills, your creativity is highly improved and you tend to stand out from your peers. Improved observations also help you in making the best out of every situation and grabbing opportunities that others may have missed.

Now that you know how playing online rummy can help improve your personality, we’re sure you’ll be eager to get on Rummy Passion’s vibrant tables. If you are new to the game, you can learn how to play in our blog section, or you can play the practice games to test out whether the above facts hold true for you or not. You can download our rummy app to play the game anytime and anywhere you like easily.