Though a lot of people join Online Rummy platforms to play rummy and enjoy a lot but there are a few who share their experiences. Well, if you are new to rummy, you would surely want to have a glance at their experiences. After all, in rummy, it’s quite important to keep a check on your emotions and experiences, as that help you improving in future. Let’s dive deep into the details of common emotions attached to players’ gaming and how to gain a control over them.
Aggressiveness – Being aggressive is a very strong emotion and most players while playing rummy show their aggressive nature. For instance, you may across a situation when you may lose your calm when an opponent declares the game before you and that too very quickly. Also, a situation may arise when you may feel angry when you don’t receive a desired card, such as waiting for a joker card or a connecting card to complete a sequence. However, that must be avoided in all situations. Why? Well, having such emotion may suppress your decision-making ability and may force you to take wrong decision in the heat of the moment. The best way is to pause your game for a moment, if you have such emotions and then restart again.
- Confusion - This is a common emotion that players come through while playing rummy. Yes, at times, you may come across some confusion – a confusion when you may have to decide between the cards that you want to resist and the ones you want to throw away. Many get confused at that point and end up making either a wrong show or drop the game. However, if you know, how to control your emotions, you would use your knowledge and skills to come over the situation. That’s why, it is advised to brush up your skills before playing rummy, especially when playing for cash.
- Over-Excited - Another common emotion faced by players in rummy is getting over excited after a few wins or when the cards are in their favor. However, becoming over-excited while playing rummy, especially when playing for stakes can cost you the game. It’s advised to stay calm and not lose your focus and concentration from the game. Your one wrong action can take the game from your hands. So, play wisely and with complete focus.
- Sad - You may have come across a common phrase - ‘Winning and losing is part of the game’. One should not feel sad if the game doesn’t go in their favour. However, it’s commonly observed in cash rummy players that they feel difficult to accept defeat. It’s completely justified to feel sad on losing the game, but if one prolongs to the sadness, it can have a negative effect on their game in future. Like, some players do attempt to recover the losses by playing more games. However, one shouldn’t forget that rummy is a should only be played for entertainment only.
To Sum UpThough players call rummy as a skill game, however, we would like to call as an unpredictable card game. Why? Well, it’s simply because the game can change its course at any moment. Thus, it’s very significant to train your brain to deal with every situation. For that, we would advise you play a lot of practice games and do not lose your focus from it, as it’s said – Learning should never be stopped.